Life-Saving Rules

Life-Saving Rules

At a chemical site, there are hazards and risks that must be assessed to ensure a safe working environment. Strict regulations and procedures also apply. Safety takes top priority at our sites. We aim to prevent all accidents through well thought-out preventive measures.

The 12 Life-Saving Rules (LSRs) are the outcome of a review of processes that present a particular hazard potential. These rules were developed based on the outcome of these analyses and in consideration of the international standards in the oil and gas industry.

The 12 Life-Saving Rules have proved effective in preventing serious accidents and have become a part of our safety culture. Everyone – employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors – is a part of this culture. The aim is to develop a culture of open communication in which near-miss events are reported. This helps us to work on becoming even more effective in preventing accidents.

1. Overriding Safety Controls

 Obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment/systems

Obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment/systems

2. Confined Space Entry

Obtain authorization before entering a confined space

Obtain authorization before entering a confined space 

3. Driving

Follow safe driving rules

Follow safe driving rules

4. Energy isolation

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins

Verify isolation and zero energy before work begins

5. Hot Work

Control flammable and ignition sources

Control flammable and ignition sources

6. Line of Fire

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire

Keep yourself and others out of the line of fire

7. Mechanical Lifting Operation

Plan lifting operations and control the area

Plan lifting operations and control the area

8. Permit to Work (PTW)

Work with a valid permit when required

Work with a valid permit when required

9. Working at Height

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height

Protect yourself against a fall when working at height

10. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Always wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where required in workplace

Always wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where required in workplace

11. Overhead Power Lines

Obtain authorization for safe working within the vicinity of power lines

Obtain authorization for safe working within the vicinity of power lines

12. Alcohol or Drugs

No alcohol or drugs while working or driving

No alcohol or drugs while working or driving